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The Way Forward through Repentance
It's clear from the Bible that repentance is to be part of the ongoing lifestyle of a Christ follower. It involves a genuine sorrow over our sin and then, as an act of faith in what Christ did for us on the cross, we move to change. It's a change of heart about sin. This kind of repentance is life-giving! If we want to meet God (which is what this series is all about), that will only happen by being real with God about our own stuff, and then tap into God's resources to change, and that means repentance, sorrow, regret, over sin. From our text, we learn the following: 1. Repentance Is a Result of Real Sorrow (7:8-9). 2. Repentance Leads to Real Change (7:9-10a). 3. Real Repentance Produces Real Salvation (7:10-12).
Speaker: Rich Schoenert
September 15, 2024
Rich Schoenert
Intentional Interim Senior Pastor