"Call to me and I will answer you," says the Lord God in Jeremiah 33:3. What's on your heart today? How can we pray for you? This is the place to request prayer or lift up your brothers and sisters in Christ.
Join this team to pray with and for the needs of the people attending Sunday services at Roseville Campus, White Bear Campus, or Online. Contact Ben Tyvoll to be part of this important ministry.
This group prays during the week for specified needs in our Church community. Contact Ben Tyvoll to get connected with the Prayer Chain Team.
A monthly space and time at Calvary Church dedicated to connection and intimacy with the Father. Not overly structured, but focused on encountering and partnering with the heart of Jesus. It is a time for our church family to abide in Him (John 15). Meets the first Wednesday of each month, rotating campuses, from 6:30-8pm. See the upcoming EVENTS page for the next meeting time.
It will always be a time of prayer
It will often include a time of worship and sharing of testimonies
Pray for the leadership of Calvary and the continued vision, direction, and favor in the advancement of the Kingdom through our local church body. Contact Ben Tyvoll to be on the Vision Prayer Team.