The Way Forward through Reflection
Series: The Way Forward
There are times in the lives of church going Christians when things become a little flat, spiritually. Our practice of Christianity becomes rote. People aren’t coming to Christ. We’re just going to church, listening to good preaching and going home. For many, the passion is gone. In its place there is a sterile religious behavior. This even happened in the days of the Old Testament. Whenever people lost sight of who God is, and what God does, He would call them back to Himself, and move them forward, through an event known as Sacred Assembly. Josiah, Hezekiah, Nehemiah, and Joel all called for Sacred Assemblies. We will be doing that as a church, because in order to move forward, we need to first look backward in order to prepare our hearts for a fresh meeting with the Lord.
Rich Schoenert
Intentional Interim Senior Pastor