After School Kids
Our doors are open after school for kids from the neighborhood! Our ASK (After School Kids) volunteers build relationships and make an impact through serving snacks, helping with homework and prayer.
Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. - 1 Peter 4:10
We all have unique God-given gifts and talents, endowments and extraordinary power given to us by the Holy Spirit, which you can read about in 1 Corinthians 12. To understand just how God has wired you, complete this Spiritual Gift exercise. Share your findings with us when you click any one of the "Join the Team" buttons below.
Our doors are open after school for kids from the neighborhood! Our ASK (After School Kids) volunteers build relationships and make an impact through serving snacks, helping with homework and prayer.
The Barnabas Care Team meets the needs of senior adults through prayer, phone calls, and home/hospital visits. The purpose of this team is to provide care for the body and a cure for the soul, and we do this by being a friend to the house-bound...
Fill out this short form and one of our staff members will contact you to match you to an available opportunity.
On the first weekend of each month, all believers take part in communion at Calvary Church. Volunteers needed to serve the communion elements during both services at each campus on Sunday mornings. During non-COVID times, communion servers at the...
Join our team of musicians who lead worship using their talents on vocals, keys, guitars, and drums. Our contemporary service combines elements of modern worship through music and video. This team is a creative group of musicians committed to...
Even the littlest of children can learn about God through their kind caregivers, playful leaders, and engaging storytellers. You’ll have the opportunity to lay important foundations for faith with this age group. Programs meet year-round on...
As kids enter school years, their worlds expand and their independence increases. Help elementary-age kids make their faith their own, integrating it into all areas of their growing worlds! Programs meet year-round on Sunday mornings and...
You never get a second chance to make a first impression, and we want others to feel welcomed at Calvary Church, and this is the team that does just that! Here are a few ways you can help make visitors and regular attendees feel like a part of...
There are plenty of places to use your gifts of serving to invite people in. On Sundays, set out coffee and donuts at both campuses, or help serve the occasional breakfast, brunch, or lunch for special events. Servers are also always needed for...