Thursday, February 13, 2025, 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Address: Roseville Campus, 2120 Lexington Ave N, Roseville, MN US 55113
Contact: Ralph GustafsonRalph Gustafson
The Rough and The Holy
An engaging, honest and emotional one man play discovering the life of Jesus, the "friend of sinners." Memorable characters from the Gospel accounts are brought to life in a creative, theatrical and powerful way. Peter, Simeon, Judas, Zacchaeus, a young shepherd, Mary Magdalene and may others all share their stories of who Jesus was to them. Perhaps through them you will see more clearly who Jesus is to you.
Gather for a program in the Worship Center, then move to the Café and enjoy treats and coffee while you visit with friends.
RSVP to Betty Dawson at 651-558-2606, or email betty.dawson@calvarychurch.us
If you can’t join us in person, then please connect with us via Zoom using this link: https://bit.ly/3TXmTmH Or, you may use the Zoom application on your smartphone or computer to manually enter the Meeting ID, 879 5328 2427, and Passcode, Prov3:5&6 (case sensitive).