Every Monday from 10/21/2024 to 04/10/2025
Contact: Mike GrahamMike Graham
Becoming a warrior after God’s heart plants his flag in the Kingdom of God. Before you can become the Warrior, you must become the Beloved Son. Masculine friendship, brotherhood, redemptive community are forged over time together, knowing one another's stories and journeying together for more. Heart of a Warrior will help you navigate an ever-darkening world. There are 4 journeys offered throughout the week at the White Bear and Roseville Campus.
Contact JOHN GAUGER for more information or to sign up. Classes held every other week.
Phase 0
October 21-April 7 / Roseville Campus
Mondays / 7pm-8:30pm
Phase 1
October 19-April 5 / White Bear Campus
Saturdays / 8-9:30am
Phase 2
October 16-April 2 / Roseville Campus
Wednesdays / 7-8:30pm
Phase 3
October 17-April 10 / White Bear Campus
Thursdays / 7-8:30pm