Second Thursday, from 09/12/2024 to 08/31/2025, 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Address: Roseville Campus, 2120 Lexington Ave N, Roseville, MN US 55113
Contact: Ralph GustafsonRalph Gustafson
Every other month, gather with senior adults for a light lunch and program just for you. Registration opens the first of the month and closes two days prior to the lunch. You can pay for the catered lunch at the door with check or cash, cost is $10.
RSVP to Betty Dawson at 651-558-2606, or email betty.dawson@calvarychurch.us
If you can’t join us in person, then please connect with us via Zoom using this link: https://bit.ly/3TXmTmH Or, you may use the Zoom application on your smartphone or computer to manually enter the Meeting ID, 879 5328 2427, and Passcode, Prov3:5&6 (case sensitive).