Every Tuesday, from 01/28/2025 to 04/08/2025, 7:00 AM - 8:30 AM
Address: Roseville Campus, 2120 Lexington Ave N, Roseville, MN US 55113
January 28 2025 - April 8, 2025 / Tuesdays
Roseville Campus / Room Conference Room
Contact to register or ask questions: ANNETTE WILSON
Cost: $15
Time: 7-8:30am
Title: The Presence of God
A bible study for women who start their days early. What do you think when you hear the phrase “The Presence of God”? From the Garden to the Throne Room in Heaven, from the Tabernacle in the Wilderness to the Heart of a Believer, from a Burning Bush to Christ Among us... God has continuously reached out to Mankind with a heart of Love. We will look into all of these and more in an exploratory study using the Bible as our text book, traveling through the breadth of scripture as we seek to understand and experience God more deeply.
Cost: There is No Book for this class, suggested of $15 per person, pay in person at class.