oUR Values
Rely on God: Humbly infuse every action with Holy Spirit-led prayer.
All decisions are nurtured in prayer as we seek the direction and wisdom of the Holy Spirit. In response to our requests, the Spirit of God directs us in the decisions we must make to carry out our ministry. His direction is always in keeping with biblical principles. Therefore, we desire to always be prayerfully devoted to seeking this guidance from the Holy Spirit (Jude 20; Revelations 2:7).
Love First: Create a unified community where God’s love flows.
People are looking for acceptance and love and within a caring community. We will seek to express God’s love and acceptance by being approachable and real. This includes being vulnerable and open to acknowledge our failures and encouraging questions to create a climate of openness. We will extend hospitality, accepting and affirming varying cultures and traditions when they do not conflict with biblical values (John 15:17; Romans 15:7).
Disciple Intentionally: Seize every opportunity to grow biblically grounded disciples.
Spiritual growth is a work of God’s Spirit. Yet the church is responsible to encourage the development of spiritual habits that the Spirit of God uses to promote growth in knowledge, perspective, conviction, skills, and character. We are committed to the growth and life transformation of each person (Ephesians 4:16; 2 Peter 3:17-18).
Empower for Ministry: Equip every believer to serve.
In our church the spiritual gifts of women and men are to be recognized, developed, and used in serving and teaching ministries at all levels of involvement. Pastors are the equippers and congregants are the ministers who are empowered for ministry that aligns with our strategic framework (1 Corinthians 12:4-11; Ephesians 4:11-12).
Reach Out with Love: Courageously spread Jesus’ love and redemption locally and globally.
We will seek to compassionately serve the people in our communities by responding to their basic needs and, whenever possible, to balance community care with evangelism. While caring for all people, we will especially focus our evangelism efforts on reaching the variety of families in our area with children still at home (Matthew 25:31-46; Acts 1:8).